Warning : Double Standards?
2 Comments Published by Apocalyptus on Tuesday, March 07, 2006 at 7:02 PM.

Greg Chappel keeps making one derogatory comment after another about Sourav and all he gets from the BCCI is a mild warning. Even after the ‘leaked e-mail’ controversy, when all his allegations against Sourav were proven to be untrue, the BCCI didn’t take any disciplinary action against him. He was just ‘warned’.
Harbhajan Singh, unable to cope up with the unfair goings-on in and around Indian cricket, opens his mouth in support of Sourav, suggests Chappel is trying to impose “Divide & Conquer” rule in the team. He too gets a strict ‘warning’ from the BCCI. Now, BCCI is deciding to what extent the right of voicing one's own opinion should be
allowed, and that too in a democracy. Good. Very Good.
Yuvraj Singh, precisely the man whose talent was spotted and always backed by Sourav and (unfortunately) eventually for whom Sourav had to make way in the team expressed his admiration and gratitude towards Sourav. he said he felt Dada should have been in the team because he still truly deserved it. Admiring someone or expressing gratitude to someone is totally a personal gesture and it shouldn’t affect the team or the members in any way. But again, he too was strictly ‘warned’ by the BCCI.
Kiran More gets involved in a bribe controversy. Abhijit Kale loses the case and gets banned for his life. Since More was one of the accused, he should have been , at least temporarily , suspended from his post while the proceedings were still on in the court, but he wasn’t. He didn’t even get a mild, polite ‘warning’.
More says he won’t let Ganguly get back in the team even if he performs well in the domestic circuit. He doesn’t get any ‘warning’ this time also…....while he should have been kicked outta whole thing and banned for life for bringing this personal vendetta (with Ganguly, GOD knows for what reason) in public.
So, what’s BCCI’s stand here?
Democratic Rights for only More and Chappel (the latter is NOT a citizen of Democratic India) but not for players.
If this is not DOUBLE STANDARDS, then what is?
:D good very good!whats with the bluestorm?
@ Archana:
Nothing. ;)